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Annual General Meeting in DecideAct A/S
Thursday 30 May 2024 at 15:00 CEST

Why is DecideAct a good investment?

DecideAct has developed a unique software solution that modernizes strategic leadership. It’s on track to being a global market leader in the new business category, Strategy Execution Management (SEM), considered to have at least the same potential as CRM, which has an annual turnover of 40 billion USD.
Company Introduction to Investors

Company Announcements

Annual Report 2023
Half-year Report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Half-Year Report 2022
Half-Year Report 2021 Summary (DA)
Half-Year Report 2021
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2018
Investor Brochure
IPO memorandum
Remuneration Policy
Articles of Association
Financial Calendar
24 August 2024

Half-year Report 2024

30 May 2024

Annual General Meeting

13 April 2024

Annual Report 2023

12 August 2023

Half-year Report 2023

9 August 2023

Extraordinary General Meeting 2023 (2)

24 May 2023

Annual General Meeting

29 April 2023

Annual Report 2022

4 April 2023

Extraordinary General Meeting 2023 (1)

Executive Team

Get in touch with us

Investor Relations

DecideAct A/S
Bornholm - HQ
Østre Kajgade 3
3730 Nexø, Denmark

Copenhagen - Office
Sankt Gjertruds Stræde 5, 4.
1129 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Tel: +1 (949) 670-9224

Certified Advisor

Keswick Global AG
Hoffingergasse 16/1/6
A 1120 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43 1 740 408045



Head of Public Relations
Bo Feierskov

 Contact PR
Tel: +1 (949) 670-9224